Mexican Laws in English





Important message from Mexican attorney and auditor Lic. Glenn Louis McBride

There have been several important new health and safety standards in Mexico in the last few months, most of the companies that have contacted us are not in compliance to the new standards that have been recently published, have taken effect or will soon take effect. Companies in Mexico should give special attention to the following new standards. 

(Subscribers may download the translations of these new standards).  

The Mexican Standard, "NOM-018-STPS-2015, Harmonized System for the identification of hazards and risks from hazardous chemical substances in the workplace"  is now available translated to English at:


(It was published October 9, 2015 and takes effect October 9, 2018 - at that time companies in Mexico must be fully compliant)

This new hazard communication standard is the standard for the implementation of GHS in Mexico and contains the instructions for preparing Mexican compliant SDS.

One of the most important changes in the SDS requirements is that the chemical exposure limits that were recently published in NOM-010-STPS-2014 must be included on each SDS.
NOM-010-STPS-2014, Contaminating chemical agents in the work environment – Inspection, evaluation and control. Published in the DOF April 28, 2014 – took effect April 28, 2016.

This standard cancels and replaces the NOM-010-STPS-2014, Contaminating chemical agents in the work environment – Inspection, evaluation and control. The new standard requires a new study to be done in the workplace for exposure to chemical substances by personnel that complies with the criteria in the new standard. This standard was published in 2014 and it took effect 2 years after the publication in order to allow companies time to make the required new study and the adaptation necessary in the workplace to lower the exposure of workers.

The limits of exposure have been reduced dramatically and more than 300 new substances have been added to the list of chemical agents.  The companies that are not compliant are liable for fines of 50 -100 times the daily minimum wage per employee. The daily minimum wage is $73.04 pesos. That means a liability of fines of up to $400 USD per employee.

I have made a comparison of the old standard NOM-010-STPS-1999 and the new standard NOM-010-STPS-2014 to point out the changes that are now required.


NOM-022-STPS-2015, Static electricity in workplaces – Safety Conditions.   (NOM-022-STPS-2015, Electricidad estática en los centros de trabajo-Condiciones de seguridad.)

This standard was published in the DOF on April 1, 2016 and takes effect October 1, 2016  - This new standard requires a new study for static electricity in the workplace with different criteria - This study should be made before the new standard takes effect in order to make any adaptations and be in compliance when the new standard takes effect.

NOM-033-STPS-2015, Safety conditions for performing tasks in confined spaces. 
This standard was published in the DOF on Aug. 31, 2015 –and was effective November 30, 2015.
This is the new standard for confined spaces. If you have not updated your documentation, it is unlikely that your company is compliant. The new standard requires a List of Confined Spaces. This was a requirement before, but the current standard requires you make a risk study for each confined space, classify it as I, II, or III based on the risk criteria in the standard. You must have a permission to work procedure in place and document all work performed in confined spaces. You must also retain documentation for the work performed by third parties to assure that they are following the standard.

Lic Glenn Louis McBride
Licensed Mexican Attorney