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NOM-016-CRE-2016, Quality specifications for Petroleum Products
  Published in the DOF on August 29, 2016 – Effective Oct. 29, 2016

This Standard is under the oversight of the Regulatory Commission of Energy (Comisión Reguladora de Energía - CRE)

LAW, REGULATION, OR NOM - what is the difference?  

THE "AGREEMENT of the Regulatory Commission of Energy by which the termination is declared of the validity of Second Transitional Article, first paragraph, of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-016-CRE-2016, Quality specifications of petroleum products" was published April 9, 2018. This reform requires all petroleum products to be tested by accredited and approved MEXICAN laboratories.


NOM-016-CRE-2016, Quality specifications for Petroleum Products

The Standard establishes the quality parameters for fuels without putting the supply of them at risk, at competitive prices and taking care of the environment.

The National Consultative Committee of Standardization of Hydrocarbons, Petroleum and Petrochemical products presided over by the Regulatory Commission of Energy (Comisión Reguladora de Energía - CRE) and constituted by various Secretarías, associations and education representatives, consumers and industry prepared and approved this new standard.

This new standard establishes quality parameters of gasolines, LP Gas, diesel, turbosine, among others for five years without putting the supply for the country at risk.  

The standard cancels and substitutes the emergency standard NOM-EM-005-CRE-2015.






1. Objetivo

1. Objective

2. Campo de aplicación

2. Field of application

3. Definiciones

3. Definitions

4. Especificaciones de calidad de los petrolíferos

4. Quality specifications of petroleum products

5. Muestreo y medición de las especificaciones de los petrolíferos

5. Sampling and measuring of the specifications of petroleum products.

6. Métodos de prueba

6. Testing methods

7. Bibliografía

7. Bibliography

8. Verificación anual

8. Annual verification

9. Grado de concordancia con normas y lineamientos internacionales

9. Degree of concordance with international standards and guidelines

10. Vigilancia de esta Norma

10. Oversight to this Standard


Transitional articles

Anexo 1.           Diésel automotriz con un contenido total máximo de azufre de 15 mg/kg

Annex 1. Automotive diesel fuel with a total maximum of sulfur content of 15 mg/kg

Anexo 2.           Combustible con un contenido máximo total de azufre de 2 % en masa

Annex 2. Fuel with a total maximum content of sulfur of 2% in mass.

Anexo 3.           Procedimiento para la evaluación de la conformidad de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-016-CRE-2016, Especificaciones de calidad de los petrolíferos.

Annex 3. Procedure for the evaluation of the conformity to the Official Mexican Standard NOM-016-CRE-2016, Quality specifications of petroleum products.

Anexo 4.           Pruebas de control.

Annex 4. Control tests.

1. Objetivo

1. Objective

Esta Norma Oficial Mexicana (en lo sucesivo la Norma) tiene como objeto establecer las especificaciones de calidad que deben cumplir los petrolíferos en cada etapa de la cadena de producción y suministro, en territorio nacional, incluyendo su importación.

This Official Mexican Standard (hereinafter the Standard) has the object of establishing the quality specifications that petroleum products must comply with in each stage of the production and supply chain, in national territory, including its importation.

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